Horoscope matching (Kundali matching) / Marriage matching – Koota-Guna Matching
Marriages are “Made in Heaven.” In astrological terms, it’s a match of karma. We get a particular type of body and mind based on our karma, a specific personality type. The imprint of this personality, health, and wealth is given in the horoscope. Both the bride’s and groom’s personality and body types should be matched along with health, wealth, and aspirations.
Love the greatest match
Sage Parasara in the Brihat Parasara hora smriti explains that love is the most critical aspect of an astrological match. Suppose both the bride and the groom are genuinely attracted to each other based on personality, interests, and pursuits. In that case, the matching is much more comfortable, i,e any other drawbacks can be overcome. I have personally experienced instances in which the overall astrological match was not at all good. However, the partner’s genuine love can overcome these obstacles and lead a happy and fulfilling life.
The example is that of Satyavan and Savitri. According to scriptures long ago, there lived a husband and wife named Satyavan and Savitri. Both loved each other genuinely. Satyan was short-lived. At the designated time, the god of death Yama approached Satyavan, tied him up with this noose, and took his life away. Savitri saw this; although Yama cannot be seen ordinarily, Savitri could see Yama taking away her husband’s body by the dint of her pious activities. She rushed to Yama and asked Yama to bring her husband’s back to life. Yama told Savitri that he would give her any other boon except for her husband’s life. Being very intelligent, Savitri asked for a child. Yama blessed her that she would have children. Savitri then immediately asked the question as to how she can have a child without the husband. Yama readily agreed and was very happy with her devotion to her husband. He brought Satyavan back to life and gave him a long life and went away. In this way, we can see how genuine attraction can change karma.
A feature of Vedic Astrology
Vedic Astrology has a unique feature of matching two horoscopes. There are several considerations in matching. The most common reference is Koota or Guna matching. The Koota matching is based on the nakshatra and rasi and gives a score out of 36 points. This is, however, only a guideline. The overall horoscope needs to be matched for better results. This includes the Lagna (personality or ascendant), Rahu’s and Saturn’s aspects on each other’s moon. Mangal Dosh, or the placement of Mars, is also an important consideration. Navamsa and Ashtakavarga must also be considered before making a final decision.
In this article, we will briefly introduce these concepts, and they will be explained in detail in the upcoming articles.
In matching horoscopes, we have to consider the following aspects.
A.The Koota matching scores (out of 36)
The Koota matching system considers the nakshatra and rasi. Every nakshatra and rasi is allotted specific properties and points. Some nakshatras match one another, some don’t. When they match in a given aspect, points are allocated, and when they do not match, there are no points assigned. There are ten or eight such tests based on the system you adopt. In South India, it is called the Dasa koota system, and in North India, it is called the Asta koota system.
For the dasa koota system, the following verse is considered.
“DinamGanamchamahendram,StreeDeergamYonirevachaRashiRashyadhipatibowvashyam, RajjuVedhashchadhidasha”
The number of points allotted is given in brackets.
- Dina koota (3): Compatibility in health
- Gana koota (4): Compatibility in sex life
- Yoni Koota (4): Nature of sex life and romance
- Rashi koota (7): Compatibility of mentality attitude
- Rasyadhipa koota (5): The compatibility of the Lords of the rasi
- Rajju koota (5): Happiness and longevity of the husband and wife
- Vedha koota (2): This is to ward off any evil eye or sudden loss incidents.
- Vasya koota (2): Vashya talks about attraction to each other.
- Mahendra koota (2): Mahendra koota is about having a good number of happy children
- Stree Deergha (2): This koota ensures prosperity. A woman is considered a representative of the goddess Lakshmi who is the goddess of fortune.
The above is the South Indian dasa koota system. In the North Indian Asta Koota system, there are eight considerations. The points allotted are also different. Most of the references are the same except Varna Koota or matching the caste or occupational predisposition.
- Varna Koota (1): This depends on the predisposition or attraction to a particular type of work and mentality.
- Vashya (2)
- Tara Koota (3): Same as Dina Koota
- Yoni (4)
- Graha Maitri (5)
- Gana Koota (6)
- Bhakoota (Rasi) (7): Same as Rasi Koota
- Nadi Koota (8)
B. The Lagna (ascendent or personality match):
The Lagna in the horoscope is the first house and is an indicator of the personality. The house’s strength, the number of planets and the lord of the house, and the aspects determine the overall nature. When we match the prospective bride and groom’s horoscope, this is an important consideration. The personality match ensures both are compatible can appropriately deal with each other. Otherwise, one type of personality which is imposing and not c=not considering the other can spoil the relationship.
C.Aspects of Saturn and the moon when matching the horoscopes:
When we overlap the horoscopes, we have to ensure that the rasis containing Rahu and Saturn in either horoscope does not superimpose on the moon. Moon is the mind, the seat of aspirations, hopes, and emotions. The couple needs to express feelings to each other and feel calm and happy with each other.
D. Navamsa chart matching:
Apart from the man horoscope, the placement of planets in the Navamsa needs to be considered. Navamsa is an important indicator of our inner self and also the spouse. The inner satisfaction experienced by the couple can be judged by matching the Navamsa.
E. Ashtakavarga matching:
During certain times in our life, our planetary strengths are weak; however, if the planetary strength of the spouse is strong, it balances the partner’s weakness, then the family can get through the difficulty. Therefore the strengths of the planets in the Ashtakavarga need to be considered.
F. Mangal Dosha:
Another important consideration is the placement of mars. Mars is responsible for blood and health. Wrong placement of Mars called Kuja Dosham without cancellation can lead to disease and death. Therefore one needs to examine Mangal Dosha before concluding.